Other Ways to Give

Your involvement can create lasting change – discover the many ways you can empower our young singers and shape their futures!

Become a Monthly Donor

Join The Tempo and make a monthly gift to provide reliable funding for our work so we can make the best long-term investments in our community.

Become a Monthly Donor

Workplace Giving

There are various options available for workplace giving.

Learn More

Leave a Legacy

Join the Mia Hall Miller Circle by naming PYC in your estate plans. Your gift will enshrine your commitment to changing lives, and ensure that our shared values will endure for decades to come.

Explore Planned Giving

Give by Check or Stock

We also accept donations by check and stock.

Learn More

Start a Fundraiser

Whether it's your birthday, a special milestone, or you just feel inspired to support, you can make a difference by launching a personal fundraiser for Pacific Youth Choir! Set your goal, share your “why”, and invite your network to make a contribution that will help our singers thrive.

Create a Fundraiser